Selene's 2010 365

A Year of Our Life …

Janaury 25 (25/365) January 25, 2010

Filed under: Gavin — Selene @ 2:31 pm


It was a multi-day event, but we finally got the boys’ trampoline put together.  On Saturday, the trampoline was ready to go but the enclosure was not.  It seemed particularly cruel to have it up and not let them jump on it so we did.  Within five seconds, I was having a heart attack …. waiting for one of them to fly off was not my idea of fun so we called it good pretty quickly.   George and I got to talking and laughing about how things were ‘back in our day’ … not only was there no enclosure on our trampolines, but no pad either covering the springs.  We sure (unknowingly) lived life in the fast lane! 

When I think about it, it’s quite amazing what’s been invented in my lifetime … cell phones, laptops, the internet, DVRs (and I can’t imagine life without my DVR), big screen / HD TVs, call waiting, caller ID, the amazing medical advances that have been made … some of these are more noteworthy than others obviously but one day I will get to explain to Gavin and Joey what a walkman, beeper, pay phone, and VCR were.  

No Gavin and Joey, your Daddy and I didn’t walk to school, in the snow, uphill for five miles but … things sure have changed since we were younger.  We would appreciate it if you’d humor us from time to time when we want to tell you, and probably your friends,  all about it!


4 Responses to “Janaury 25 (25/365)”

  1. So true! How did i ever meet anyone without a cell to call or text or email or, most importantly, MEETUP.COM!?!? xx

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